
 Where to start…I’ll bet my traveling husband who gets an earful on the phone whenever my brain gets to buzzing will be happy I started writing. Why didn’t I think of this sooner? Better late than never, and as Shrek so bluntly stated in Shrek 2 when his wife burped at the king’s table…”better out than in, I always say”.

After reading a book recently about the transgender craze, and having a conversation with a dear friend about how women might benefit from knowing who they are and being ok with who they are, I have a head full of thoughts that I’m going to dump here.

Enjoy. You’re welcome.

I grew up with five brothers. Four now, as my youngest brother goes by Megan, but for the sake of the story, we’ll go with 5. I climbed every tree, crossed every creek and cow-pie-strewn meadow, broke my glasses trying to skateboard, shot guns, played every game they did, and had a blast. I was the quintessential tom-boy. As a teenager, I had as many if not more guy friends than girls. I loved driving fast and listening to my music loud. When I entered my twenties, I abhorred putting on make-up, was more comfy in jeans and t-shirts than skirts, and was very competitive at work as well as in play.
You might hear all that in a 2020 mindset and think, geez, she must have hated being a female. Maybe some counselor would have said I had gender dysphoria. Maybe if I was that teen now, I’d be teased or told I wasn’t girl enough. You think that’s weird…it happens all the time in our current named generation, the I-Gen or Gen Z group, and even the baby brand new, the Gen Alpha. Which is too bad, because I always loved being a girl, a female, a woman. I did then and I do now. I still don’t fit into what today’s world would call the social construct of femininity. I still hate wearing makeup, don’t like dressing up, don’t spend money on shoes and purses, don’t like shopping, don’t get my nails and hair done, and I’m very comfortable in my size 12-14, thank you very much. However, the greatest joy in my life so far was birthing my two kids and nursing them…for years…the most uniquely female experience of all time.

Some women love being at home with their kids, some itch to get out and be at work or doing anything besides “homey” stuff. Some women mourn not being able to have kids, some choose not to and are very happy not having kids. Some women love to cook and clean, others not so much….hold it, does any woman out there actually like to clean? I’m told that there are some girly-girl women who actually love shopping and clothes and makeup and all that. Some women love being women in all that glory and mess. They jump on their PMS cycle every month and ride it in full gear. I am woman, hear me roar.

Some hate it and their consuming thought is when they can get top surgery and how awesome it was when the T shot finally stopped their periods. That’s a whole other topic for another time.

Here’s what’s cool. The female variety of human beings is very complex. I’ll spare you the nerd speak, and just add links at the end, if you want to read all about the genes and the “inactive X” that they have found to have a huge spectrum of activity, different even in every female. So you can dive into that pool and go for a very long swim, but suffice it to say, we are all very different. If we can just accept that fact and absolutely dismiss this nonsense that a woman has to act a certain way, or she’s not one and perhaps a man trapped in a woman’s body if she acts a different way…or just as bad – thinking we’re so flawed, damaged, inadequate, or insignificant that we don’t have anything to offer to anyone - and get on with being the best “us”, then maybe we can actually do something meaningful with our little tiny space we occupy in this huge big bad world.

Think about it. What makes you unique and special…different than the others in your circle of influence? There’s got to be at least one thing...come on, no excuses. Write it down or at least mull it around in your head awhile. Let’s celebrate what we’re good at, what makes us awesome, and then go about being the best women we can be. After all, all 10 million million (that’s not a typo, it’s actually that big of a number) cells in our bodies marked with our unique and complex DNA couldn’t be a mistake.


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